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Wanna know something about the scenario? Look no further....

1-What is this scenario?

-This is a scenario for Hearts of Iron 2, based around the American Civil War and the years after it ended.

2-When does the sceanrio begin?

-As of July 11th I have it set to begin on January 1st, 1861. This is a little bit after South Carolina left the Union and a few days before the other states began to leave. The sceanrio will run untill 1870 and may involve fighting the Indian Wars should the Civil War end earlier the 1870.

3-Is this "mod-dir" or is my game going to be edited?

-As with my other scenarios, this will be a "mod-dir" so your files are safe.

4-Besides the sceanario, what new things are added when I download the scenario?

-Well at the moment we have 50+ new leaders and ministers for all sides of the war, as well as new graphics for the unit icons. The layout of resources, IC and infastructure will also be modded in the final release.

5-When will this be released?

-All I can say is "when it's done". I hope this will be before summers end, maybe ealier but I can't promise anything. Hopefully I will release a few beta versions for anyone who wants to test the scenario out and see how its going.

6-I have Civil War info/graphic making skills/modding skills/ect and I would like to help out. Is that possible?

-Of course! I need all the help I can get at this point. There are already a number of people helping out on the scenario (see the Special Thanks page). Even littile suggestions will really help me out in the long run. To contact me send an email to or send me a PM on the forums. You can also just post your suggestions in the topic I have on the Paradox Forums and it WILL be noticed.